Pershing Families:
I am proud to be the leader of Pershing School and I know that with the support of our families and community stakeholders, along with our dedicated staff, our students will achieve success this school year.
You will receive a message from me or one of our administrators each Sunday between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m with The Pershing Weekly E-News. The link will also be posted weekly under the School Information Tab - Newsletters. The Pershing Weekly will provide important information; however, we have several communication mediums, and we encourage you to become familiar with all of them. Stay connected with us through our website, marquee, social media accounts, and the OCPS district Talking Points app.
If you have additional questions, please contact our main office at 407-858-3160.
As a reminder, school begins at 8:45 a.m. and we end our day at 3:00 p.m. (2:00 on Weds). Students are expected to be in the classroom and ready for the day when instruction begins at 8:45. Breakfast and lunch are served at school daily at no cost to families. Breakfast is served from 8:00-8:30.
If you haven't already followed us on Facebook or Instagram, please take a moment to do so today.
Facebook: @PershingSchool-OCPS
Instagram: @PershingPanthers
For K-5 students, reading is fundamental. I encourage all parents to read to their students for a half hour each day and for those students already reading I encourage parents to have them read to you as you also engage in reading with them. For our middle school parents, this is not the time to give them more freedom and autonomy, so utilize the educational resources on to keep your students learning. Middle Schoolers are also encouraged to read for an hour a day and once they are done reading ask questions and engage in fruitful conversations with them about the text. Some of our most successful students are consistently exploring reading and avoiding the lures of their cell phone or computers.
At Pershing School we try to embody love, care and support so always remember, "At Pershing School we care, love and support you and there is nothing you can do about it!"
Sanjay Brown